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Author name: Devonport City Guide

Mr. Wolf

Mr. Wolf is a family-run home and garden store located in Devonport, Tasmania. Since its inception in 2012, Mr. Wolf has been dedicated to offering a unique and beautiful assortment of homewares. The store features a curated collection of eclectic, exclusive, and bespoke goods, ranging from vintage finds to modern pieces. Their product selection is

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Devonport Twilight Market

The Devonport Twilight Market, a popular monthly event, offers a delightful evening out for both locals and visitors. Held on a Friday night from 4 PM to 8 PM, the market is a perfect blend of community spirit and festive cheer, set in the scenic area of Devonport. What to Expect Indoor Market: The indoor

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headspace Devonport

headspace Devonport is a youth mental health centre dedicated to supporting individuals aged 12 to 25. The centre provides a safe and confidential environment where young people can seek help for mental health and wellbeing issues. headspace Devonport focuses on providing holistic health services, including mental health support, physical health advice, support for alcohol and

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Australian home exterior with weatherboard siding

Housing Connect

Housing Connect Devonport is a key service provided by Homes Tasmania, dedicated to addressing housing needs and supporting individuals facing homelessness across Tasmania. It serves as a single point of contact for a wide range of housing assistance services. Services Offered: Opening Hours: Contact Information: Address: Anglicare, 31 King Street, Devonport, Tasmania, 7310

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Vintage ship SS Woniora exhibit in museum.


巴斯海峡海事中心位于塔斯马尼亚州的德文波特,其丰富的历史可以追溯到20世纪70年代,当时一群由海事纪念品展览激发的爱好者,包括德文历史协会的成员,开始在该镇设立一个海事博物馆的过程。 该博物馆的首个形态是塔斯马尼亚海事与民俗博物馆,位于东德文波特的26号滨海大道,由时任首席部长埃里克·里斯(Eric Reece)于1973年正式开幕。然而,该地点被证明不适合,1980年,位于格洛斯特大道的旧港务大师住宅变得可用。这座建于20世纪20年代的住宅,原为港务大师的永久住所,是一座建在离海岸线约200米、墨西河入口处一个小高地上的双层砖砌“别墅”。 德文波特海事博物馆(更名后的称呼)在1996/97年进行了重大翻新,德文波特市议会的工程师住宅也被并入,以存放历史记录和材料。翻新工程促进了模型和展品的更好展示,创建了海军室,翻新了信号站和桅杆,并迁移到了博物馆的场地,同时建立了历史室,用于安置德文历史协会的地方历史收藏和丰富的档案。 1999年,德文波特海事博物馆和历史协会有限公司成立,这是在德文波特海事博物馆与德文历史协会合并后形成的新机构。这一新组织成为了博物馆收藏品的管理者,并继续管理和发展该地点。 2010年,德文波特海事博物馆和历史协会解散,其收藏品转交给了德文波特市议会。次年,成立了德文波特海事与遗产管理局,负责监督巴斯海峡海事中心的发展。该机构由许多志愿者组成,他们曾为德文波特海事博物馆和历史协会付出了大量时间和努力。巴斯海峡海事中心于2013年开放,此前对现有海事博物馆进行了重大扩展,以容纳新的展览空间。前港务大师住宅也进行了全面翻新,并新建了六个展览区。新建筑的设计旨在讲述巴斯海峡和德文波特的故事,为来自前德文波特海事博物馆的物品、模型和照片集提供背景。 如今,巴斯海峡海事中心是当地居民和游客的热门景点,为人们提供了关于塔斯马尼亚和巴斯海峡地区海事历史的迷人见解。凭借其印象深刻的展品收藏和吸引人的教育程序,该中心继续是社区的重要组成部分,由一群敬业的志愿者管理,并受 详情: 电话: (03) 6420 2790 电子邮件: [email protected] 网站: 地址: 6号格洛斯特大道,德文波特,塔斯马尼亚州,7310 开放时间: 周一至周五 上午10点 下午3点周六、周日及公众假期 上午10点 下午3点

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Abstract road knots in scenic landscape.

Plugging Into Devonport: Your Guide to Electric Car Charging Stations

Devonport is equipped with several strategically placed charging stations to ensure that electric car users can travel around the city and beyond without range anxiety. These stations are located in key areas accessible to both residents and tourists, making it convenient to charge your vehicle while you explore the city’s attractions. Key Locations for Charging

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Recycling symbol and assorted batteries on table.

Battery Recycling Locations in Devonport

Welcome to our dedicated page for battery recycling in Devonport! As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we provide you with the necessary resources to dispose of your used batteries responsibly. Below, you will find an interactive map featuring all battery recycling locations throughout Devonport. Why Recycle Batteries? Recycling batteries is crucial for both

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