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Victoria Parade Cenotaph

In the heart of Devonport, along the picturesque Victoria Parade, stands a monument of deep historical significance — the Victoria Parade Cenotaph. This solemn yet graceful structure is more than just a landmark; it’s a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the brave souls from the region who served in various conflicts throughout history.

Historical Significance

The Cenotaph, erected post-World War I, has been an integral part of Devonport’s landscape for decades. Its presence reflects the community’s deep respect and remembrance for those who fought and lost their lives in the Great War. Over time, it has evolved to commemorate those who served in subsequent conflicts, including World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and other peacekeeping missions.

Architectural Brilliance

Admired for its architectural elegance, the Cenotaph showcases the skillful craftsmanship of the era. The structure’s design is simple yet profound, featuring a tall, slender obelisk that rises to the sky — a symbol of reaching towards peace. The names of the fallen are inscribed with reverence, offering a personal connection to the past.

The Annual ANZAC Day Ceremony

The Cenotaph holds a special place in the heart of Devonport’s community, particularly during the annual ANZAC Day commemorations. On April 25th each year, the site becomes a focal point for remembrance and reflection. The dawn service here, attended by veterans, families, and residents, is a powerful expression of national pride and gratitude. The solemnity of the Last Post, followed by a respectful silence and then the Reveille, resonates deeply with attendees.

A Place for Reflection

Beyond these ceremonies, the Cenotaph serves as a quiet spot for contemplation and understanding. Visitors often take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made for the freedoms enjoyed today. It’s not uncommon to see people of all ages reading the names and perhaps tracing a finger over the etched letters, connecting with history in a tangible way.

Accessibility and Visitor Information

Located centrally in Devonport, the Cenotaph is easily accessible to visitors. It’s a brief walk from local cafes and shops, making it a convenient stop for those exploring the city. The site’s proximity to the coastline also offers a chance to enjoy scenic views of the Mersey River.


The Victoria Parade Cenotaph stands as a testament to Devonport’s history and the unwavering spirit of its community. It’s more than a monument; it’s a bridge connecting past and present, reminding us of the enduring values of courage, sacrifice, and honour. For anyone visiting Devonport, a stop at this iconic landmark is not just recommended; it’s a journey into the heart of the city’s collective memory.