Devonport General Cemetery

The Devonport General Cemetery, situated at 44 Lawrence Drive in Devonport, Tasmania, was established in late 1922 to serve as the town's primary burial ground. Prior to its opening, interments were conducted in smaller cemeteries, including those in Torquay, the Bluff Cemetery, and two cemeteries in the Don area.

Historical Significance

As the largest of the three cemeteries in the area—the others being St Olave’s Anglican Cemetery and the Congregational Cemetery—the Devonport General Cemetery holds significant historical and heritage value. It reflects the community's evolution over the past century, serving as the final resting place for many of Devonport's early settlers and notable figures.

Current Status

The cemetery is closed to further burials, except under exclusive existing burial rights. This status ensures the preservation of its historical integrity while respecting prior arrangements.

Preservation Efforts

The Devonport City Council has developed a Master Plan as a guiding document for the development and management of the cemetery, outlining actions to be undertaken up to 2031. This plan aims to maintain the site's historical significance and ensure its upkeep for future generations.

Visiting the Cemetery

Visitors to the Devonport General Cemetery can explore its well-preserved grounds, which offer insights into the area's rich history. The cemetery's layout includes sections for various denominations, reflecting the diverse cultural and religious heritage of the Devonport community.


44 Lawrence Dr, Devonport TAS 7310

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